
“My first social interaction with Kathy Rinaldi came through mutual friends after our 1974 Hanover Park High School senior prom in New Jersey. Several of us who had gathered at my parents’ home in Florham Park, spent the wee hours tossing around a wiffle ball. Some 48 years later, a reconnection occurred in time for me to see Kathleen Rinaldi Hagburg hit one out of the park as an author.
Leaping Into Destiny is a unique literary tool for people who either feel emotionally conflicted or ravaged by a tragic life altering event. This book unfurls methods to embrace the unknown after being “dynamited out of our comfort zone” and into the depths of loneliness, sorrow, or despair.
Leaping into Destiny conveys a roadmap for turning loss into gain, heartbreak into resolve, and fear into determination, set against a backdrop of spiritual reawakening. Readers have several entry points to experience the ride…” - Dave Bontempo, Boxing Hall of Famer

“For anyone who’s like me, constantly doing “the work” on yourself, you know what a hamster wheel it can feel like. Leaping Into Destiny is a great resource for anyone in need of that push to get to a place of self reflection and love. It’s a very well written second book by Kathleen Rinaldi Hagburg.” - Jaclyn DellaTorre, author of Chapstick Eater: Exploits of an Oddball

Leaping Into Destiny

The Life Review Method of Manifesting Love

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